Yes, Men CAN Find Freedom From These 3 Struggles

My father always seemed a little out of control when I was a kid. He never learned how to find freedom from struggles. He always complained about work and how busy he was. He was a bachelor, and I saw how poorly he handled relationships. He always seemed to be striving to win approval and acceptance from his friends and coworkers. Seeing this growing up, even at a young age, I thought there has to be a better way.
Thirty-eight years later, I find myself facing these same struggles as a man. We all do, unless we hide from them or lie to ourselves. It’s not if but when we face challenges as a man. The key is how we find freedom in the midst of the struggles and how not to be controlled by them. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Struggles are not the enemy; they are opportunities. Here are 3 struggles every man can find freedom from—including you.
1. Balancing Life
I know balancing work, time with my wife, our kids and their schedules, friendships, and church can sometimes leave me exhausted. It’s a reality we all face, and it can run us into the ground if we let it. Frank Bealer, in his book Myth of Balance, says, “The myth of balance can lead to guilt and frustration because it sets an unattainable standard. Instead, we should aim for harmony, where our priorities are aligned and we are fully present in each area of our life.”
We must be fully present and understand our goals to find victory in our efforts to balance all the things we juggle. Victory comes when we realize we can’t give equal energy and effort to everything. If I know my goals, my priorities, and my purpose, I don’t worry about balance. I worry about scheduling my priorities instead of prioritizing my schedule. Embrace the busy seasons with this mindset that will give you victory. When it’s time to run hard, run hard, but when it’s time to rest, we must find deep and meaningful rest.
2. Sexual Temptation
Sexual temptation is real for most men, and the world knows it, too. We are over-sexualized as a culture, and it can sometimes feel like we can’t escape the videos and images bombarding us everywhere. The influence of pornography, social media, and streaming services on men can be profound, particularly on mental health, self-esteem, and societal expectations.
But we can find freedom from sexual temptation; it doesn’t have to control our lives, and it starts with an honest heart. Some men are in deep, and they need serious intervention. Others need to stop isolating and expose the darkness we are facing. Being alone is dangerous, and when we isolate, we succumb to temptation. To fight against being alone, we need to surround ourselves with other like-hearted men so we don’t have to fight the battle alone. I know I have lied to accountability partners before. We need more than an accountability partner; we need other good men in our lives who have access to all areas. I have given two men the password to my phone and permission to ask me to see it at any time. I trust them to help me fight against sexual temptation. We all need someone in the fight with us.
3. Finding Validation
My dad was pretty good at golf. He won a lot of tournaments and was the ringer for every four-man scramble. I noticed that as much as he loved playing the game, it was a source of validation for him. His attitude and our evenings at home were dictated by how good or bad he did on the course that day. When he played well, all was good, but when he played poorly, he was a nightmare to be around.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful in life; we are wired to want to win. The challenge happens when we look to people or things to be our source of approval and acceptance. Have you ever wondered where you seek your validation? I know God is the only source I can go to for real approval and acceptance. The world will let me down every single time. I find victory in my search for validation when I stop looking for it in the wrong places.
Sound off: Do you know how to find freedom from struggles? What are some things that have worked for you?
Source: All Pro Dad here