Leaving a Legacy as a Single Father

Legacy—now there’s a word we don’t often use in everyday conversation. It’s the sort of word that carries both mystery and prestige. We may tend to think of a legacy as something passed on by a powerful person, someone who has left a mark on the world, for better or worse, like the legacy left by a ruler or by an entrepreneur who invented a device that changed the world. The truth is, we all will be leaving a legacy behind. Big or small, impactful or indifferent, every single one of us will leave something.
So let me ask you a couple questions: Before you became a single father, did you ever give thought to what sort of legacy you may leave your children one day? Has that changed since you became a single dad? Just because your circumstances have changed doesn’t mean you can’t still leave a strong legacy to your children. In fact, you may have an even greater opportunity now. Adversity, if approached right, can reap great rewards. Trials can bring hope. Here are 3 quick tips for how you can leave a multi-generational legacy.
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